Little ones - smart ideas

Have you ever wanted to punch the man on his face for coining the word 'why'?. If you are a parent you would probably know what I am talking about.

Welcome to my household which is littered with toys and loud voices and shrieks and other noises. Nothing ever happens here the way I want. Let me here take the pleasure of introducing my lil wonder - my 4 year old son. Here is a sample of how things go on any given day.

I: Can you please not play with the cushions dear?
Son: Why?
I: The cushions will get dirty.
Son: So?
I: Our house will also look dirty.
Son: So what?
I: Don't you want people to tell you that you have a beautiful home?
Son: No! I just want to play and make a big mess.
Lesson learnt : Clean Bowled so, don't fight a losing battle.

I:Eat you food son.
Son: why?
I: So, you can become big and strong
Son: so you can be like daddy.
Lesson learnt : Wow. Exactly the point - why? Why would I want another 'dad' around the house? So, be smart.

I: Can you please close the door son?
Son: why?
I: So the bad strangers or insects can't come inside our house.
Son: why?
I: so that we can be safe.
Son: Before they enter the house, I will fight them and tie them up and call the police.
I: So, can you close the door now.
Son: I am sure insects cannot come because that day they did something so that insects cannot come.
I: Yes, they have. Now can you close the door?
Son: But, do insects have bones or skeletons?
I: No. they don't. Can you please close the door?
Son: yes.
Son goes and comes back.
I: Did you close the door?
Son: No. I forgot. Maybe I will take a toy.
Son (after a while) : can you also come with me. Let us go together and close the door.
Lesson learnt: Talk less work more. This saves time and energy!

I: It is too late dear. You should go to bed.
Son: I don't want to.
I: It is night and people go to bed at night.
Son: But I want it to be morning now.
I: That can't happen sweet heart.
Son: why not?
I: because time doesn't stop or go back.
Son: why so?
I: The hands of the clock keep going round.
Son: why?
I: Because the earth keeps going round.
Son: why don't we ask the earth to stop.
I: That is not possible.
Son: Maybe if we ask the earth to go reverse, it can be morning again!
Lesson learnt: Point taken. So, stop looking like a plain idiot and wear a quick thinking cap.

I: Drink you juice darling.
Son: what juice is it?
I:Your favourite watermelon juice.
Son: It is not my favourite anymore. So, I don't want it.
I: Try it and you may start liking it again.
Son: Ok. (after 2 sips). It is not watermelon juice because I can't see any of them.
I: It is juice sweetheart so, watermelon gets mixed so you can't see it but you can taste it.
Son: where exactly have you mixed it mom?
I: When its mixed, it is everywhere.
Son: That is why you see. I told you I don't like it when it is everywhere.
Lesson learnt: Little ones have crazy and scary ideas.

Points to ponder : Although every day starts with a resolution to think quick and act quick the day ends with baffling questions lurking in the brain. So, there is an urgent need for a formulated pill - the quick thinking pill - which will help parents to think quick and smart. It is time to bid farewell to the idiotic look that shows up for all the smart questions the kid asks.
For parents of the super smart there is an imminent need for the catalystic quick thinking pills which will propel the quick thinking pills to act in one nano second.

Lastly, It is most important for every one to know that wisdom comes in small packages.
With all the lessons learnt and resolutions to be smarter - tomorrow is yet another day to face a torrent of questions

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