Little one's smart talk

This article first appeared on MSN:

I am not sure if anyone has given all the right answers to all the crazy questions kids are capable of asking. Their ideas are so fantastic that sometimes I think scientists should lurk around these li'l ones' more often so they can get a lot of ideas to make new and great things. Take this for example:

Son: How old am I mom?
I: You are four years old.
Son: Yeah. I know that but how do you know that?
I: Because every year you get a year older. We all get a year older.
Son: Is there a laptop like thing inside me that tells you how old I am?

What? I never thought of that. Is there a silicon chip to tell me the numerous things that I have always wanted to know. Imagine if there were to be one and I can take a print out of the things that are so important for me to know or to just press the pause button and stop time when things tend to go out of hand?? Hey anyone listening?

Sometimes the best answer for the smartest question is another question. Sounds illogical? Well, not so..:

Son: Mom, I wonder who was there even before dinosaurs were there?
I: Wonder who?
Son: I think God was there before dinosaurs were there on earth.
I: Perhaps.
Son: I think He made water
I: You think so?
Son: Oh yeah. But I wonder how he managed to fill up all the oceans.
I: How?
Son: I still am thinking and I don't know mom.

How do you tackle the smartest thinking? Still haven't figured that out. It takes time to even get to that kind of thinking so, how do you figure the answer out?

Son: Animals can't go to the space right?
I: No sweetheart. Animals can. In fact, it was a monkey that went to space before people did.
Son: Oh yes. of course. After all, monkeys were there before people did. So, only they could have gone to space. How could people have gone. People were not even there.
I: I mean, you are right that monkeys were there before people were there. But, people sent the monkey to space so, that they can learn about space.
Son: Al right. So, what did the monkey say?
I: What do you mean. How can a monkey say anything.
Son: Exactly. So, what made the people think that they can learn anything from the monkey. Did they think that the monkey will go and see something in space and come back and tell them?
I: No, I mean, not. I mean............

I remember the time when I was little, the whole nation was talking about Bofors scandal. At that time, The Indian Express, used to carry a special section everyday, where Ram Jeth Malani, asked ten questions to the then, PM. Rajiv Gandhi. I read ardently, though I understood very little. What intrigued me then, was this man's ability to question and question without fear.

Today, I am no longer surprised, when my son, asks me numerous questions daily. Sometimes, I think he doesn't actually look for an answer. Just the sheer curiosity is voiced.

Looking at the picture of the solar system, where all the planets are shown with the orbits, my son quipped, "Ah, look at this. There is actually a rope that holds all the planets. And, I thought they moved in space. They just follow the rope after all."

Wondering about aliens he asked the other day -
"Hmmm..... mom, Why should we be scared if aliens come to earth, because for the aliens we are aliens. I think that they should also wear some mask because after all, they live in a different planet and there may not be oxygen, so they will be breathing only poison gas and for the aliens oxygen may be poison gas. What do you think mom?

"Poison gas, or no, aliens or no aliens, or animals why should there be so many questions ? " I once said aloud out of frustration.

"Only then, there can be answers mom!" said the smart kid....... oops! he had heard me!

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